
在保障数据安全方面,日志分析工具发挥着至关重要的作用。以下是几款市面上评价较高的日志分析工具,以及它们各自的特点和优势。AlienVault Unified


AlienVault Unified Security Management (USM)

AlienVault USM是一个综合的安全管理平台,能够在一个系统中监控、分析和管理系统事件。它不仅是一个SIEM解决方案,还包括入侵检测和漏洞评估工具。此外,它还提供了一个开源的安全信息和事件管理(OSSIM)服务。

Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK) Stack

The ELK stack is a popular open-source platform for real-time log analysis. It consists of Elasticsearch for storing and searching data, Logstash for collecting and processing logs, and Kibana for visualization and analytics. The ELK stack is highly flexible and scalable, but it lacks some key components for SIEM, such as built-in reporting and security rules.


Exabeam Security Management Platform

Exabeam’s security management platform stands out with its high Gartner Peer Insights rating. It offers a large toolset for analyzing event logs using big data techniques. Exabeam’s Data Lake can handle massive amounts of data, and its pricing is based on user count rather than data volume. The platform also supports machine learning-based analysis strategies.

360 Star图

360 Star图是一款网站访问日志分析工具,能有效识别Web漏洞攻击、CC攻击、恶意爬虫扫描、异常访问等行为。 It provides automated analysis and generates safety analysis reports, supporting IIS/Apache/Nginx logs and custom formats。

LogForensics TSRC

LogForensics TSRC is another log analysis tool that can start the investigation from a single suspicious clue and traverse all suspicious URLs (CGI) and source IP addresses。


GoAccess is a visual web log analysis tool that can be accessed through a *nix system’s web browser or terminal program. It provides valuable HTTP statistics for system administrators and displays them in an online, visually appealing manner。



AWStats is a powerful open-source log analysis system that can generate advanced Web, streaming media, FTP, or mail server statistics in a graphical way。


Logstalgia is a sleek and visually appealing log analysis tool that can intuitively display CC attacks and website log analysis, presenting them in a 3D visual format。



Finder is a web log analyzer beloved by web programmers. It supports tail, less, grep, and handles large text files smoothly. The tool is developed using Python and features flexible configuration options for log formats。


Splunk is a top-tier log analysis software that allows users to transition easily from tools like grep, awk, sed, sort, uniq, tail, and head for analyzing logs. It provides a comprehensive search bar to view both real-time and historical data quickly and find the required information。

IBM Qradar

IBM Qradar has a free community version with minimal differences from its commercial versions. It is suitable for small-scale log and traffic analysis。




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